TRM has recently developed a serial utility to allow the easy download of a list of drill positions and corresponding head number. In the free version the user has the ability to program up to three drill heads and up to 64 positions.
A special MAP command receives the data from the PC and processes it taking into account any offsets programmed for the particular head. When the controller is told to run "head up" inputs are checked before any movement can take place. Once the controller sees that all drills are clear it will then move to the first position and initiate the first drill cycle on the selected head. There are two outputs available for each head for "drill" and "drill up" and once the controller sees the "drill down" input it automatically changes the output from "drill" to "drill up". Once the "head up" sensor sees that the drill is clear the next position will be moved to.
The programmed files can be saved on the PC for recalling the next time the job is run saving valuable programming time and shortens turn around time.